This project will bring nutritional support for a eight month period -May through December 2017 - to sustain the destitute elderly women, who are they do not have family members. Such 20 destitute elderly women are getting food support from WD every monthly. With these monthly groceries destitute elderly women are having food regularly by cooking. They are living with dignity and self confidence. Their health levels have been increased.
The biggest problem is they do not have family members and not other supporters people the elderly women, as they are not working & not earning income. If a poor women and destitute old women is provided at least one wholesome meal in a day, she has a chance to face the challenges of her hard life. WD had conducted surveys around Shida Kartli, Georgia and identified many such elders women who need help.
This project solves the problem of destitute older women by providing nutritious dry food a 6 month. The monthly groceries we provide are Rice, Cooking Oil, Biscuits, Soaps, Species, Onions, Vegetables, etc. 15 destitute elders women gets a chance to have monthly meals with out depending on others. This activities the elders women happy life with out any hurdles. Elders confidence levels increased.
This program will stop the starvation among destitute elderly women in Gori, Georgia. The Gori, Georgia older women get timely nutritious dry food. Old age persons living conditions & life span will increase. 15 old age poor women able to eat nutritious food in time with out depending on others. The perception of the community on caring for old age people will be built positively. Human rights violations against old age poor women will be reduced.