This project will take family planning and contraceptives to the homes of 100 young women whose access and utilisation of FP has been affected by covid 19.
Since the first case of Covid 19 was registered in Uganda, there have been several measures to cub the spread of the virus. These include a ban on the use of public transport and public gatherings. In the rural communities were YETU operates; clientele use motorcycles to come to YETU Health Centre. These are no longer able to come for services because they lack transport means and the distances are too long for them to walk.
YETU will provide transport and contraceptives to a village health team member. She will then take these to our target beneficiaries (young women). She will offer family planning education and contraceptives at household level. YETU will hire a vehicle
The project will provide Family Planning to 100 young women thus reducing unwanted and unplanned pregnancies among the target beneficiaries.