Imagine saving 400 people in Nigeria from dieing from hunger during this lockdown. Hunger has killed more people than Corona Virus in Nigeria and the most vulnerable are women, especially Widows with kids. This project is designed to feed 100 widows with atleast four kids for a period of 30 days.
Imagine how a Widow with 4 Kids will survive during the imposed COVID 19 lockdown especially those that depend on daily sales to feed. She is now being forced to stay indoors with her 4 kids with no palliatives to survive on during this lockdown, imagine being in this condition for months!
GWSF plans to feed 100 most vulnerable widows with kids for a period of 30 days with food palliatives
This will save more than 400 people from dieing from Starvation during this COVID 19 lockdown period at least for 30 days before the economy fully recovers