Trinity Project work with vulnerable young people in Zimbabwe on various projects, helping them create a safe and secure future and avoid exploitation and abuse. In order to do this they work within the communities they serve, doing home visits, providing education sessions in community spaces, etc. After a recent car crash their only vehicle is off the road and repairs are currently too expensive. Without transport they cannot reach the 1,000's of young people that need their help.
In Mid December Trinity Project had an accident in their one vehicle and it is now off the road until it can be repaired. Unfortunately those repairs will cost around $2400, funds which Trinity don't have to spare. Whilst they do operate a drop in centre, the majority of their work is done out in the community and therefore the car is essential for the staff to be able to get out to make home visits, attend education sessions which they need to deliver, and so much more.
By getting Trinity's vehicle back on the road they are able to fulfil all of their commitments to beneficiaries, including home visits, education sessions, community outreach, and everything in between.
Trinity run several projects, including sexual health and reproduction sessions, educating vulnerable young people on the dangers of unsafe sexual practices etc. They are currently in the middle of a massive project tackling the birth registration crisis in Zimbabwe that impacts the 51% of under 5's without a Birth Certificate, who are therefore unable to attend school or access welfare services. Without their vehicle all of these projects will fall behind, effecting 10's of 1000's of people.
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