Turning Tables Kenya will help 40 boys and girls from the streets of Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu nurture their talents in Music and acting and make them self supporting through the skills by the production of own audio and visual materials within our studio. This will involve creating talent shows, seminars and linkage with local media outlets. With the productions the boys and the girls will have the opportunity to pass their message about the other children suffering in the streets.
Kenyan youth and children who reside in urban slums, children homes and rehabilitation centers face a host of challenges discovering the strengths and talents required to sustain their lives. With a lack of educational, creative, and positive human resources, many young people in Kenya fall into unhealthy and anti-social behavior. Historically, this has been exasperated by numerous factors including post-election and familial violence. Research has proven that keeping youth and children active
Through student-artist interactions within the context of our programs, Turning Table will guide youth in developing the confidence necessary to overcome the social and emotional challenges they face in their communities. We have found that fostering youth and children's ability to confidently perform new skills within positive, community-based settings expands their vision of possibility offering broader and more meaningful life choices.
Social and emotional recovery for the children A short documentary shot and produced by Turning Tables and the Children Program management training and workshops for program personnel. A concept photography project catalogue done for the safe house
This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).