The situation in Libya is catastrophic after the severe storm. It is unclear how many people have lost their homes, beloved friends and relatives. Thousands of children, women and men are still considered missing. The country's government expects many dead. Aktion Deutschland Hilft has declared an emergency: Organizations in the alliance are launching urgently needed acute emergency aid for the affected people. Photo : picture alliance / REUTERS | Esam Omran Al-Fetori
The medical infrastructure has partially collapsed due to the floods. Many people have been injured and need acute medical care: for example, medicines and bandages to treat the injured and chronically ill. Many people are currently unable to return to their homes. They need emergency shelters, blankets, generators. Hygiene articles, food and clean drinking water are also needed to protect against epidemics.
Aktion Deutschland Hilft alliance organizations are preparing for the mission in Libya with local partners. Several organizations are currently sounding out the situation on the ground with their partners in order to help the people as quickly as possible - for example, with clean water, food, medicine and emergency shelter. In many areas, the infrastructure has collapsed and access to those affected is difficult for aid workers. Another hurdle for humanitarian aid organizations is the difficu
Humanitarian aid and support for people affected by the flood. Photo : picture alliance / REUTERS | Esam Omran Al-Fetori