Feeding with love Amiguitos Royal

by Fundacion Amiguitos Royal
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Feeding with love Amiguitos Royal
Feeding with love Amiguitos Royal
Feeding with love Amiguitos Royal
Feeding with love Amiguitos Royal
Feeding with love Amiguitos Royal
Feeding with love Amiguitos Royal
Feeding with love Amiguitos Royal
Feeding with love Amiguitos Royal
Feeding with love Amiguitos Royal
Feeding with love Amiguitos Royal
Feeding with love Amiguitos Royal
Feeding with love Amiguitos Royal
Feeding with love Amiguitos Royal


Promote nourishing, loving, safe and stimulating environments that contribute to the growth and development of children from gestation to 9 years of age, thus stimulating their potential to grow healthy and happy. For this reason, we require your financial support to continue serving 440 children and their families. Below are the specific objectives of this project: Therefore, we would need support for the following: Food shopping Human team

total goal
monthly donors


The Amiguitos Royal Foundation is a private, non-profit organization established in 2011, dedicated to promoting nutrition and child development from pregnancy to age 9, with a presence in the most vulnerable sectors of the Usaquen community in Bogota, Colombia. For the Amiguitos Royal Foundation, nutrition goes beyond providing food and involves broadening the view of all aspects of child development, linking the family, the community and the institutional network, to provide organized and sust


Implement a nutritional assessment route aimed at caring for pregnant mothers and children up to 5 years of age, linked to the Foundation's binomial program; by taking anthropometric measurements and a hemoglobin test, with the purpose of maintaining longitudinal monitoring of each user and the timely approach to those cases in need of support and close monitoring. Promote group or individual counseling for families that require it, with the aim of promptly addressing the nutritional or dev

Long-Term Impact

Children achieve adequate nutritional status Mothers and caregivers qualified in care and healthy living practices Children, pregnant and nursing mothers receive food supplies that support their daily nutrition Children show progress in their social, emotional and cognitive processes, as evidenced through observational assessments, developmental screenings and family reports. Mothers report that they engage in self-care practices, identify and modulate emotions, handle conflicts peacef

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).


Organization Information

Fundacion Amiguitos Royal

Location: Bogota D.C - Colombia
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
John Aguirre
Bogota D.C , Cundinamarca Colombia

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