The project will register and empower local VSLA/cooperative health (CHI) groups with initiatives to enable them become self-reliant. Projects include fish/dairy/apiary/banana farming, microloans, artisan training, WASH, energy saving stoves, etc. Registered CHI groups will pay a premium to access health services. Providing financial protection against the cost of illness and improving access to quality health services for low-income rural households who are excluded from formal insurance.
90% of Northern Uganda's population are agriculturalists, but poverty rates have remained greatest due to the past 20-year long insecurity. The region is characterized by good weather, relative peace/security, economic stability and land availability, which present an opportunity to drastically reduce rural poverty. However, constraining factors include the use of rudimentary agricultural tools, poor access to financial/other inputs, limited opportunities to build assets, disorganized markets.
The project goal is to improve the livelihoods of 20 families initially directly and 320 households indirectly by ensuring food security, increased household income and improved nutrition by the year 2021, through integrated interventions in dairy production, market-access/improvement, and knowledge/skills application. Other households will benefit from other services which will among others include AI services, training in fodder management, sustainable agriculture, environmental management
The project will focus on supporting smallholder producers to improve their efforts and approaches to having sufficient food and products beyond their subsistence level. This will be by improving farmer's ability to increase production with integrated sustainable livestock farming with a focus on value chain which is a more "market-driven" approach to production.
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