The project will directly benefit 200 schools with a population of 200,000 school children in mid western Uganda. It will provide Information Education Materials, preventative materials (water tanks, soap, sanitisers) and build capacity of teachers to create awareness in their respective schools.
The number of people contracting COVID 19 is consistently increasing the country and one of the reasons is that the majority of the rural communities do not have the right information. It is important to note that over 60% of the rural population in Uganda are school children. The population will target western Uganda because it is densely populated and boardesr
The project will empower the school going children with the right and relevant information about the pandemic. This will be done by training their teachers and providing the Information, Education Materials. Preventative equipment like water tanks, wash basin and sanitizers will be provided to schools. The marginalized children will be given priority. Stigma and discrimination will be addressed by organizing individual, groups and community counselling, by use of expert counsellors.
The project will greatly contribute to improved hygiene levels among 200,000 school going children and their respective communities. Furthermore, the project will strengthen the child - parent/guardian knowledge sharing which is required for the socio-economic development of the communities
This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).