Project Report
| Apr 24, 2023
Stand with the disaster vulnerable community
By M. Sabrin Ahmed Roty | Project Leader
The Sundarbans is situated in a region prone to a high incidence of natural calamities. Over the past two centuries the coastal areas and offshore islands of Bangladesh, which the majority of the Sundarbans belongs to, have been affected by 35 severe cyclones and storm surges. Increasing the likelihood of flooding events, the Sundarbans region become more vulnerable.
Recent atmospheric depressions caused high rainfall, which submerged the roads and home of the local people. Water level is rising very quickly. People have no other way than moving to a shelter. BEDS along with Village Disaster Management Committee (VDMC) are working together in this miserable time. They are going to each people’s house and taking them to Cyclone Shelter and Training Center. They are taking extra care for children and old people. Together we can minimize the disaster loss and misery.
We are extremely grateful to our donors for their continuous support. We would like to request all our donors to start monthly recurring donations for our project. We are requesting all our donors to start monthly recurring donations. Please click the following link;
Jan 4, 2023
Stand for the vulnerable community
By M. Sabrin Ahmed Roty | Project Leader
Sundarbans coastal region is known as single largest mangrove forest in the world. This forest is also popular for its heritage, diversified biodiversity, natural beauty and also known as the disaster vulnerable area due to its geographic location. The people who live adjacent to the Sundarbans coastal region live under the threat of natural disaster. Every year cyclones visit in this area, wash out the crop lands, fish farms, destroy houses and people died due to several disasters. Beside this, the area is highly saline and people can not grow as usual agricultural products. The people live below the poverty line and depend on the forest resources. There is water everywhere in the Sundarbans coastal region but limited water to drink due to the salinity of the water. Those people are deprived from the basic human needs. They live a miserable life and this winter has made their life more difficult. They are not economically stable to buy enough woolen cloths to warm themselves. As a result, they use to collect dry leaves and fire them to make them warm. They do not have sufficient woolen cloths to fight with this winter. For this reason, the aged people and children are infected with several flue and death rate increased due to extreme cold.
So, it is our earnest request to all our donors to come forward for the aid of those victim people. We hope that all our donors will start monthly recurring donation for the helpless and vulnerable coastal people.
Link of recurring donation is as follows;
Sep 8, 2022
Help to mitigate misery of climate refuges
By M. Sabrin Ahmed Roty | Project Leader
Present soil condition
Shyamnagar upazilla under Satkhira district is one of the most vulnerable area of coastal zone in Bangladesh and also the place where climate refuges are living now. Every year several natural disaster have to be faced by this area. But now a days this area have been facing a new disaster that is shortage of rain. Now it’s the suitable season for paddy cultivation but unfortunately they could not prepare their land for seedlings yet due to shortage of rain. Due to be being late they will miss the season or if winter comes fast the production will be less than 50%. That will lead them to starvation.
BEDS is trying to help them to overcome this situation. Digital technologies will be used in humanitarian action in both natural and man-made disasters. They will be used in humanitarian response to facilitate and coordinate aid in various stages including preparedness, response, and recovery from emergencies. BEDS is Planning to create alternative livelihood and introduce them with new technologies. We will give them training on integrating farming and trained them with new skills that will be helpful to decrease dependency on nature. But as it is very costly and lengthy procedure its very tough to continuing helping them to overcome from this situation.
So, So it is our earnest request to all our donors to come forward for the aid of those victim people. We hope that all our donors will start monthly recurring donation for the helpless and climate refuges people.
Link of recurring donation is as follows;