The Foundation Proyectar Sin Fronteras wants to implement a solidarity project based on food security and sharing. Our objective? To combine the distribution of food with the creation of a solidarity vegetable garden in the illegal neighborhood of Tocaimita, located in the town of Usme on the outskirts of Bogota, the capital of Colombia. We carry out this work with the indigenous leaders of the community, who are our relay in the organization of workshops and in the creation of our garden.
In the illegal neighborhood of Tocaimita, the vast majority of the inhabitants are indigenous victims of the armed conflict and forced to leave their ancestral land to preserve the security of their families. Our beneficiaries are particularly vulnerable economically: they are farmers forced to live in the city in precarious conditions. The houses in Tocaimita are made of tin and not all of the inhabitants have enough to eat. The huge majority of the inhabitants depend on the informal economy.
What we are proposing here is not simply emergency aid consisting of food distribution. It is a first step: the people receiving our food aid are the same people who are participating in our six-month project. Supported by an engineer in agro-ecology, we plan to build a solidarity vegetable garden, managed by the inhabitants who will be in charge of growing fruits and vegetables and taking care of the vegetable garden. We propose a solution to the lack of varied and healthy food in this area.
We are coming to Tocaimita to lay the foundations of the project and to give several workshops allowing the inhabitants to have the keys to understand the stakes of agro-ecology and thus to be able to maintain their vegetable garden on the long term. This project is theirs and depends entirely on the motivation of the inhabitants, who are supervised by the indigenous leaders. We plant the seedlings with the inhabitants and we maintain the garden until our help is no longer necessary.
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