It is believed that the endeavor of any country to get out of poverty cannot be achieved without considering persons with disabilities. Negative attitudes, wrong conviction, lack of awareness on the rights and competence of persons with disabilities and inaccessibility of social services are the major barriers. As a result, the majority of people with disabilities remain dependent.
Unemployment among persons with disabilities is widespread, due to lack of access and adequate services. When they do work, disabled persons are more likely to be underemployed, earn less money, experience less job security and have fewer chances for advancement. Occupational segregation is persistent, affecting the prospects of person with disabled.
The project is targeted to improve the labour market situation and standard of living of people with mobility disabilities in Addis Ababa.
improve the labour market position of 179 mobility challenged people in Addis Ababa by the end of the project ensure the sustainability of 12 micro-loan groups in Arada, Gulele, Bole and Yeka Cities of Addis Ababa by the end of the project period raise awareness of 600 community members in the project intervention areas and demonstrate the ability of persons with disabilities to work and to be productive
This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).