Complete Rugby Equipment for 2 Mozambique teams

by ADEDAR, Inc.
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Complete Rugby Equipment for 2 Mozambique teams
Complete Rugby Equipment for 2 Mozambique teams
Complete Rugby Equipment for 2 Mozambique teams
Complete Rugby Equipment for 2 Mozambique teams
Complete Rugby Equipment for 2 Mozambique teams
Complete Rugby Equipment for 2 Mozambique teams
Complete Rugby Equipment for 2 Mozambique teams
Complete Rugby Equipment for 2 Mozambique teams
Complete Rugby Equipment for 2 Mozambique teams
Complete Rugby Equipment for 2 Mozambique teams
Complete Rugby Equipment for 2 Mozambique teams


ADEDAR Rugby has been growing rugby in Mozambique for 3 years, educating, providing positive environments, and fighting for gender equality through sport. We are lacking complete sets of equipment (jerseys, shorts, boots, socks, ruck pads, tackling bags, etc). As we begin to complete teams with equipment, rugby will grow in numbers, in strength, and closer to our goal as an organization. The more players we get, the more people we reach, the more education and confidence we build.

total raised
monthly donors


The Hulene neighborhood of Maputo has 50 players, about 20 female and 30 male. It is one of our stronger rugby teams of ADEDAR. But we are missing so many girls who are being denied by their parents to play. Part of the problem is they don't know what rugby is, they don't think girls should play sports, but part of the problem is also they don't see it as organized and as serious as it should be due to lack of equipment. Completing equipment for Hulene will contribute to more youth playing.


ADEDAR provides positive and safe environments for youth and young adults in Mozambique. It supplements in education, builds up individual confidence, and fights for gender equality in all areas. The players deserve to be fully equipped to play and train rugby in Mozambique. Parents, guardians, Mozambique, potential sponsors, will see the growth, the motivation, the commitment, and the potential.

Long-Term Impact

The equipment will serve 50+ players in Hulene, and then 50+ players in Mathemele. (2 sets of equipment). This will allow the teams to grow, train, and create more rugby opportunities for males and females.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information


Location: Thousand Oaks, CA - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Amanda Nurrenbern
Project Leader:
Amanda Nurrenbern
Thousand Oaks , CA United States

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