Life Project Foundation is a round-the-clock safe space for over 500 Colombian children living in the slums. We provide arts, music, and theatre workshops focused on teaching about gender equality. The acceptance of diversity is our goal. The activities are supplemented with a nutritious snack every day. We also offer school tutoring to breach the opportunity gap.
The National Institute of Legal Medicine reports that Bogota and Cundinamarca are 2 out of the 3 deparments with the highest rates of interpersonal violence toward women. The problem is worst for girls ages 10 to 14. The cases of sexual assault are also highest here, most of the victims between 0 and 17 years old. A recent report by Oxfam Intermon revealed worrying beliefs among Colombian youths. About 65% of them agreed that: "girls play hard to get, they say NO when they really means YES".
With 2 locations in Bogota and 1 location in Cundinamarca, Life Project Foundation operates at some of the most vulnerable parts of Colombia to teach about gender equality. Life Project Foundation offers a safe space through arts, music, theatre, dance, and sports. In our workshops, children are encouraged to participate and find their strengths. Girls become empowered to learn about their bodies and their rights, while boys recognize the importance of consent.
We have over 25 years of experience working hand in hand with the communities. We impact over 500 children every year, reaching up to 1000 people throughout the area with all our activities combined. This project will tackle problematic gender roles at the root of violence toward women, hopefully decreasing rates of assault and increasing overall equality in the long term.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).