We will deliver the capacity building training package on Mental health and Psychosocial programme to the mid level health workers (Health Assistant and Community Medical Assistants) of seven village development committees of Makawanpur district. BNMT Nepal will follow the 9 days training module of MHgap which is approved by National Health Training Center (NHTC), Nepal government. The training will be facilitated by the psychiatrist and psychologist.
The project providing MHPSS programme in Makawanpur has ended on February 15, 2018. Many mental patients supported by project still need follow up with counselor. These patients should not be left apart without the completion of treatment. Similarly, the need of training is essential to address increased demand as identification and referral of the mental health cases are increasing in the community which resulted in the increased patient flow in the health post .
To address the increasing demand and fulfill the service gap in the community; the services providers still need training. The Mhgap training to the health worker that has been planned will enable them to deliver the Mental health and Psycho social support ( MHPSS) and counseling session more effectively and confidently. The training will also enable these health workers to prescribe the medicine to the mental health clients and address seeking and reaching mechanism of services in community.
The project will strengthen the health service delivery by building the capacity of health workers which will increase their skills and knowledge to be able to response the need in the community beyond any project period. In the long run this will help in reduction of mental health cases in the communities.