Funding is needed to begin phase one of a multi-year project to purchase land and build a permanent school for students in Gbawe, Ghana and continue an Adult Education Program. This is in support of our mission to build communities through education to increase literacy and decrease poverty.
For years PAAJAF has been renting space. Each year the challenge has been to meet the rent payments and ensure the needs of our community are met. This annual insecurity has forced us to close programs or cut funding to programs vital to our community. We have not been able to fulfill our vision of building a school that provides educational and other necessary services such as youth programs and health education.
With a permanent location that we own and are responsible for, we will provide an organization that is stable and reliable in our community. We will build an educational institution that provides and path out of poverty, increases the literacy rate, and encourages civic engagement by our community members.
More women will become literate, civic leaders, and entrepreneurs. Our children and their parents will not have to worry about how to pay for the supplies and uniforms needed in the education system. School overcrowding will be alleviated by our serving as an alternative or supplement to the current education system.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).