This project will provide educational materials and content of a library in a school of Delhi , providing a rich supply of books, audio tapes, educational films and critical literacy support services to 280 children from families with limited ressources in New Delhi.
There is a widespread lack of interest in reading in primary school children. In addition, in some contexts, access to books is poor. This project will benefit 280 children giving them free access to enrichment-books, audio recordings and educational films.
The library will be housed within a primary school in New Delhi and will observe open access system in an effort to bring books within the reach of the children. The project will help 1) promote literary development and reading skills; 2) encourage parents to become involved in children's reading; 3) provide other educational resources for children to try such as audio books, films and children's magazines.
The project will provide 280 students opportunity to develop inquiry based learning, critical thinking, and creativity. It will be a central point at the school for children to read, join in cultural activities, and access information for their classrooms assignments.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).