For homeless children in Missouri, HALO represents far more than food and shelter. It represents the day their entire life changed. At our HALO Home program, our doors and hearts are open to pregnant, parenting, and non-parenting girls ages 16-21, and their children, who are in homeless or high-risk situations. The goal is to help youth get out of crisis mode, set long-term goals and learn how to live independently.
Recent studies show there are approximately 6,000 Kansas City 13-to 24-year-olds in need. This number does not include teens couch surfing. In Jefferson City, there are 135 homeless youth identified. In 2017, nearly 1,000 teens were turned away from KC youth shelters because there wasn't enough space. We need more housing for homeless children in Missouri. This population is vulnerable to exploitation, abuse, addiction, crime, and suicide, all continuing the cycle of poverty they were born into.
HALO provides housing for homeless & high-risk girls ages 16-21 years old & their dependents. Youth receive free rent and utilities in their own apartment for up to 24 months. They must graduate from high school, obtain full-time employment or start college classes in our care. HALO provides a support system to help youth set and achieve their future goals. They participate in life-skill workshops, gain knowledge in Education, Employment, Financial, Health, Spiritual, Parenting & Transportation.
Children show they have improved mental and physical health. They have mastered the life skills it takes to obtain a degree/certificate and secure and maintain quality employment. These skills lead to a positive outlook on their future and holds the potential for a total reversal of fortune and becoming a contributing members of their community. We are proud to share that since the HALO Home model launched, over 84% of our graduates now have steady lives.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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