800 children and families in Bulgaria need boost

by SOS Children's Villages Bulgaria Association
800 children and families in Bulgaria need boost
800 children and families in Bulgaria need boost
800 children and families in Bulgaria need boost
800 children and families in Bulgaria need boost
800 children and families in Bulgaria need boost
800 children and families in Bulgaria need boost
800 children and families in Bulgaria need boost
800 children and families in Bulgaria need boost
800 children and families in Bulgaria need boost
800 children and families in Bulgaria need boost
800 children and families in Bulgaria need boost
800 children and families in Bulgaria need boost


In 2021 SOS Children's Villages Bulgaria works to support 800 children and families in Bulgaria's greatest-need communities where the majority of children lack access to normal life and quality education due to social and economic drivers, ethnic origin, family structure, the financial situation within the family, parents' not sufficient schooling for a qualified job or in some cases any job. The children in these families lead a difficult life at risk of neglect, abandonment, and poverty.

total raised
monthly donors


Yearly, more than 2000 children in Bulgaria are abandoned, some in the maternity hospital and sadly it's been a steady trend over the last 10 years. Children and families from minor social groups lead a difficult life, often at risk of neglect, abandonment, drop out of school. Growing up these children lack skills to get a job and a decent life. Dramatic is the situation of these families in the current epidemic and emerging economic crisis when vulnerable social groups become more vulnerable.


SOS Children's Villages Bulgaria provides a family and a healthy environment for the growth of children deprived of parental care. We actively support children at risk of losing their parents' protection and advocate for their rights. The active work of caregivers, social workers, pedagogues, and psychologists and their training is vital so that they can change lives. Families will be able to grow their children, develop care skills and professional capacity to get jobs, and sustain households.

Long-Term Impact

We support a network of 86 SOS foster families on a daily basis in 5 towns and cities in Bulgaria. 448 children find support not to lose the care of their natural families and get support directly in their communities. 978 families find guidance to continue taking care of their children by training. SOS Children's Villages Bulgaria believes that every child can have a normal life if she or he receives the needed care. Contribute to become an SOS friend and support a child and family in need!


Organization Information

SOS Children's Villages Bulgaria Association

Location: Sofia - Bulgaria
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @office_sos
SOS Children's Villages Bulgaria Association
Savina Bogoeva
Project Leader:
Savina Bogoeva
Sofia , Sofia Bulgaria

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