This project is aimed at providing support and services to the vulnerable victims of TB and HIV/AIDs. Full details are provided in the proposal outline as attached in this form.
The increasing scourge of HIV/AIDS infection and HIV/AIDS related death is on the increase and it is estimated by the Statistic South Africa, that the prevalence rate is 12.7%. Statistics of 2015 - 2016 has shown that TB accounts to highest deaths. it is estimated by WHO that about 57% of TB patients (258,000) are HIV positive. WHO statistics estimated incidence of 454,000 cases of active TB in 2015, 157,505 know their status, some 85% (133,116) are on ARV and 25,000 deaths in 2015.
Yes, funding this project will contribute to solving the problems of high death as a result of TB and HIV/AIDS. It will to reduce new TB and HIV infection by 90% as well as other Sexually Transmitted Infection. Reduce TB and HIV/AIDS related stigma and discrimination. Reduce the number of new HIV/AIDS infection by 90%. Reduce the number of death due to TB and HIV/AIDS by 90%. Increase access to health care to PLHIV/AIDS and TB. . Improve care, treatment and prevention of TB and HIV/AIDS.
Longterm impact of the project will contribute to the realisation of the HIV/AIDS elimination and TB 90-90-90 End TB strategy of 2035 model. i. Increased life expectancy of patients, Decreased maternal and child mortality for PLHIV/AIDS and TB. ii. Improved health conditions of people living with HIV/AIDS and TB. iii. Combated TB in line with HIV/AIDS, and reduced the burden of disease from TB people living with HIV/AIDS and TB. vi. Provided support and care to the OVC
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).