400 Books for 100 Low Literate Adults in the U.S.

by ProLiteracy
400 Books for 100 Low Literate Adults in the U.S.
400 Books for 100 Low Literate Adults in the U.S.
400 Books for 100 Low Literate Adults in the U.S.
400 Books for 100 Low Literate Adults in the U.S.
400 Books for 100 Low Literate Adults in the U.S.
400 Books for 100 Low Literate Adults in the U.S.
400 Books for 100 Low Literate Adults in the U.S.
400 Books for 100 Low Literate Adults in the U.S.
400 Books for 100 Low Literate Adults in the U.S.
400 Books for 100 Low Literate Adults in the U.S.
400 Books for 100 Low Literate Adults in the U.S.
400 Books for 100 Low Literate Adults in the U.S.


More than 30 million American adults cannot read or write beyond the lowest level of literacy--which in some cases means not well enough to fill out a job application, take a driver's exam, compose an email, understand the multiplication table, or read to their children or grandchildren. Your donation to the National Book Fund can help combat this problem. Your donation can go toward one book, one dictionary, one workbook, one program which can make all the difference.

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More than 30 million American adults cannot read or write beyond the lowest level of literacy-which in some cases means not well enough to fill out a job application, take an driver's exam, compose and email, understand the multiplication table, or read to their children or grandchildren. Yet funding for adult education and English language instruction has declined by 17 percent from 2002 to 2012. Federal literacy and basic education programs only reach 3 million (3 percent) of those in need.


The National Book Fund provides high-quality instructional materials to literacy organizations that provide basic literacy, adult basic education, English language, and family literacy services. NBF materials are provided to literacy programs that can't afford to buy the necessary books that are the foundation of learning. Since the NBF's inception in 1995, nearly 384,000 adults, youth, and children have improved their reading skills. Donations to NBF go toward one book...one dictionary

Long-Term Impact

The NBF funds organizations providing service in the following areas: basic literacy, adult basic education, English language learning, and family literacy. We believe that total 2012 funding for this project will result in more than 6,000 students obtaining the reading and writing skills needed to obtain jobs, pass GED exams, or help their children with their homework.


Organization Information


Location: Syracuse, New York - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @_ProLiteracy_
Lara Pimentel
Project Leader:
Lara Pimentel
Syracuse , NY United States

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