Donate to local relief efforts for Haiyan
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If you’re reading this email it means you have a knack for generosity. It also means you’ve probably received several email appeals to donate to Typhoon Haiyan relief efforts this week. If you’re like me, you want to make sure that wherever you send your donations they’ll have the greatest possible impact.

That’s why I want to tell you about some of our projects run by Filipino organizations that are coordinating disaster responses in their communities:

We’re supporting the relief efforts of local non-profits because we’ve seen that organizations deeply rooted in their local communities are often in the best position to provide long-term support for disaster victims.

Can’t choose among the three? You can also give directly to GlobalGiving’s Super Typhoon Haiyan Relief Fund, which will be sent to our partners, both big and small, depending on their needs and their capacity to make use of the funds.

Thank you for your generosity and for your interest in supporting our local partners.

Kevin Conroy and the GlobalGiving Team

P.S. As always, these projects are run by organizations we’ve vetted and the project leaders are committed to sending you updates.

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Top photo from REUTERS/Erik De Castro
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