All Recurring Donations Matched

For a limited time:
We're matching monthly recurring donations!

If you knew there was a better way to give to your favorite cause, you'd be all over it, right?

Well, did you know that 12 monthly donations of $10 each can be more valuable to a nonprofit than a one-time gift of more than $120? Our project leaders have told us that monthly recurring donations are a huge asset - and that a reliable source of funds helps them budget and plan for their work.

You've already shown us that you're dedicated to helping nonprofits succeed, so we want to join you to help our partners achieve their goals. That's why from now through September 7th, we're offering a one-time, 100% match of your recurring donation toward any project on GlobalGiving, including:

Rescue Children Suffering From Severe Malnutrition
Fifty percent of Nepali children under five-years-old are malnourished. Among the consequences of malnutrition are stunted growth, increased susceptibility to disease and permanent intellectual damage. Malnutrition is the main cause of death for as many as 50,000 Nepali children each year. NYF's unique program restores health to a malnourished child while simultaneously educating the mother in proper childcare, hygiene, and nutrition. And all of this can be done with a donation of $260.
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500 Girls off the Street & Into School in Liberia.
We help get girls off the street and into school in one of the world's most notorious slums in Liberia, West Africa.
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Jobs for Youth in Urban Slums
LivelyHoods creates jobs for youth in urban slums. To do this, we've successfully developed a direct sales network that employs youth to distribute life-changing products in urban slum communities. Sales agents get products like solar lamps, reusable sanitary pads and fuel-efficient cookstoves on consignment. With each successful sale, agents earn a commission. A job as a sales agent provides high-potential youth with economic opportunity, dignity and meaning.
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Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Fund
The north coast of Japan was hit by a horrible tsunami after a 9.0 magnitude earthquake that occurred 80 miles offshore. This fund is supporting organizations providing relief and aid to victims.
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Lifesaving Diabetes Education for Ecuadorian Youth
AYUDA educates and empowers Ecuadorian children with diabetes to better manage their disease in order to prevent serious complications, by learning from other youth with the condition.
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Set up a monthly recurring donation now, and you'll be part of supporting a more sustainable solution!

Thank you for your support,
Kevin Conroy and the GlobalGiving Team

P.S. There are a few terms and conditions that apply in order to ensure that as many projects as possible can benefit from this offer.

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Top photo from A Child's Right
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