Changing the face of famine... one person at a time.
Changing the Face of Famine
This month has been a tough one for international news. As we witness drastic market declines in the US, Europe, and China, hundreds of thousands of famine victims are still flooding overcrowded refugee camps in the Horn of Africa.

The global financial outlook is unsettling, but if you’re like us, the images you can't get out of your head are the ones of children nearing starvation. The United Nations called this famine “the worst humanitarian crisis in the world,” and it estimates that more than 12 million people need urgent help.

But this does not have to be the end of the story for every mother, father, or child in East Africa. We’re committed to changing the face of famine, one person at a time. These are the faces we want to see in the news, we just need your help:

Child eating Plumpy'nut

Our partners at Edesia, the makers of Plumpy’nut, a vitamin-rich peanut paste, are working hard to produce and distribute this life-saving nutritional supplement for children who are nearing starvation in the Horn of Africa. Plumpy'nut can be given to the mothers of children under medical supervision, and within four to 10 weeks, malnourished kids can make a full recovery.

This famine is the result of both man-made conflict and slow, unrelenting natural disaster. If human politics can drive this crisis to its current state, then let’s demonstrate the power that we have to show compassion in the face of suffering.

Our friends at the Hot Sun Foundation have been working with a Somali-led filmmaking team to document the lives of refugees in the Dadaab refugee camp. Through a growing global network of supporters they are raising awareness about this crisis. The team has identified major gaps in the current emergency response and they have decided to distribute survival kits to refugees who have undertaken the long walk from Somalia to the Dadaab camps in Kenya. These filmmakers-turned-humanitarians are covering all their own costs; they're just asking for help to purchase more supplies.

These are just two of the thirteen projects on our site that are helping to change the face of famine for individuals in the Horn of Africa.

Please join us by making a difference for at least one family today.

With great love,
Alison Carlman and the GlobalGiving Team
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Photos courtesy of  Edesia, Julie Pudlowski/International Medical Corps, and Hot Sun Foundation.
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