Make your Valentine a girl you don't know

You were probably planning on your Valentine being your spouse, children, significant other, best friend, mother and/or someone you know, right?

But you do that every year! This year, surprise everyone and choose a girl you don't know to be your Valentine. We'll introduce you!

Manuchecka: She lives in Haiti. She is pregnant and is recieving free medical care. For $25, you could buy chocolate, or ensure the free clinic stays open to provide treatment to Manuchecka and her baby.

Nita: She lives in India. Through an adventure camp, she has developed leadership and teamwork skills and now believes that "[Girls] can do whatever we set our minds on." For $50, you could send flowers, or build leadership through adventures for Nita.

Basma: She lives in Egypt. Because of her Valuable Girl Project Big Sister, she has been able to stay in school the whole year and graduate to the next grade. For $100, you could buy jewelry, or make sure Basma has a mentor to be her advocate and help her with school work.

These girls don't want candy, flowers or jewelry. They want an education, medical care and a chance to prove themselves. We believe in them. How about you?

Happy Valentine's Day,
Mari Kuraishi and the GlobalGiving Team

Give your Valentine a Tribute Card

p.s. To prevent any relationship problems that may stem from choosing another Valentine, consider making your donation in honor of your original Valentine, and you can print or email a GlobalGiving "Give Love" Valentine's tribute card.
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Top Photo from St. Vincent de Paul Community Development Organization