There are thousands of urgent causes in need of support in the GlobalGiving community, and your gift to our Flex Fund is one of the best ways to help them all. Every $1 donated to this fund generates $7 in return for GlobalGiving's high-impact nonprofit partners.
No-strings-attached, flexible funding is one of the most efficient and cost-effective ways to fuel social change. Yet, it is in short supply. Most aid is earmarked, meaning it can only be used for pre-determined, narrow purposes. Your donation to the GlobalGiving Flex Fund stands in opposition, providing flexible funding to GlobalGiving and our vetted nonprofit partners around the world. This gives us the freedom to innovate and adapt to crises and everyday needs around the world.
The Flex Fund powers GlobalGiving's matching campaigns and motivates others to give. This is how every $1 you donate grows into $7 of impact. The Flex Fund is also a source for emergency grantmaking and special projects, such as our COVID-19 Hardship Microgrants Initiative, which delivered grants to nonprofits during one of the toughest periods of the pandemic. Flex donations also support GlobalGiving's general operations, all in service of our mission to accelerate community-led change.
By being part of the Flex Fund, you shift vital resources to community-led nonprofits and motivate other donors to follow your lead. Your donation generates 7x worth of local, long-term impact. It is an efficient and effective choice for change. Please consider becoming a sustaining, monthly donor to help community leaders consistently get the resources they need to solve some of the world's biggest problems.
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