500 pink bikes to bring Cambodian girls to school 500 pink bikes to bring Cambodian girls to school 500 pink bikes to bring Cambodian girls to school Preventing 5000 children from drowning in Cambodia


Org #62406
Vetted since 2019
year founded
raised on GlobalGiving
years fundraising
projects funded
* Amounts in US Dollars


To improve the life conditions of children in the communities where they live, through direct and indirect projects designed to support their wellbeing, education, and development.

Project Leaders
Michele Giusto
Michele Giusto
Gelsomina Vitiello
Gelsomina Vitiello
Matteo Cavalleroni
Matteo Cavalleroni
diletta scalpone
diletta scalpone
Matteo Cavalleroni, Alessandro Guarino, Gelsomina Vitiello
Organization Information
Via XXV Aprile 12 / B
Genova, 16123
Organization Information
Via XXV Aprile 12 / B
Genova, 16123

Project Reports

Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:

No more children drowning in Cambodia

By Alessandro Guarino | Project leader

Helpcode continues to have the support of the Sihanoukville Provincial Ministry of Education,Youth and Sports in the facilitation of the Helpcode Drowning Prevention Program. The cooperation with the... Read the full report ›

33 new bicycles provided

By Alessandro Guarino | Project leader

We provide 33 girls in need of critical support with a Bicycle enabling those girls to engage with an education in a consistent way. The program sourced the required 33 Bicycles and over the last 2... Read the full report ›

Closure of the Project - on to the next steps!

By Roberta Pellizzoli | Project Leader

We want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support of our Menstrual Hygiene Project over the years. Your generosity has contributed to ensure that 1,500 teen girls in Gorongosa... Read the full report ›
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