Peace Education | Art | Communication - PEAC Peace Education | Art | Communication - PEAC Peace Education | Art | Communication - PEAC Pause for Peace


Org #54362
Vetted since 2018
year founded
raised on GlobalGiving
years fundraising
projects funded
* Amounts in US Dollars


PEAC'S Mission Education, art, and communication are cornerstones of peace culture. PEAC, a 501(c)(3) public charity, offers young people exciting ways to find and express themselves through in-depth encounters in completely new environments. As they explore the wonders of a world they never imagined, they enter entirely new parts of themselves as well. Through workshops conducted with partners around the world, PEAC broadens minds, opens hearts, builds self-esteem, and nurtures healthy relationships--for a peaceful, healthy planet. Our Values: Integrity, authenticity, and curiosity all inform our actions, decision-making, accountability, as well as the desire to keep learning fro... read more

Project Leaders
Rebecca Irby
Rebecca Irby
Chadwick Boyd
Chadwick Boyd
Organization Information
777 United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017
United States
(973) 446-5031
Organization Information
777 United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017
United States
(973) 446-5031

Project Reports

Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:

Check out our new project!

By Rebecca Irby | Founder & President

MUSIC FOR PEACE It has been 40 years since Live Aid, and We Are the World historically unified and changed the world through music. With our planet riddled with post-pandemic fatigue, climate... Read the full report ›

Fascinating Global Impact for PEAC 2024

By Missy Sue Mastel | CPA, PEAC Board Member

PEAC Institute has been busy since our last GlobalGiving report, identifying and cultivating projects that reflect our intersectional goals of Peace through the raising up of people.  We are... Read the full report ›

Thank you for your support!

By Rebecca Irby | Founder & President

Hello supporters, friends, and family! We have been busy out doing a lot and have a very exciting announcement coming soon! Here's an update that never got sent from 2022. A team is assembling and... Read the full report ›
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