Why we support survivors speaking up Sexual violence statistics #2 Sexual violence statistics #1 The MapYourVoice Global Team

Global Change Project Inc.

Org #45508
Vetted since 2018
year founded
raised on GlobalGiving
years fundraising
projects funded
* Amounts in US Dollars


Mission Statement Global Change Project is an innovative advocacy organization dedicated to implementing high-impact campaigns that catalyze positive change on multiple fronts to turn the tide on the global epidemic of sexual violence. As a strategically-focused organization, Global Change Project pursues pin-pointed, eloquently-designed project solutions that have a compounding influence -- just as a stone dropped into a pond triggers ripples in all directions. Our timely and trackable campaigns, programs, and philanthropic products are based in strategic partnerships and local/international coalition building. We harness the power of cutting-edge multi-media communication, design, an... read more

Project Leaders
Jeni Ambrose
Jeni Ambrose
Organization Information
PO Box 683
Boulder, CO 80306
United States
Organization Information
PO Box 683
Boulder, CO 80306
United States

Project Reports

Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:

Learning to recognize signs of child sexual abuse

By Jeni Ambrose, PhD | Founder, Director

Working with patients who have a history of child sexual abuse, the question commonly arises, “Why didn’t any of the adults around me take notice that I wasn’t ok or step in to... Read the full report ›

Sexual violence is a community-wide issue

By Dr. Jeni Ambrose | Founder, Director

These days, it seems like every issues becomes hyper-politicized. From inception, our organization has been focus upon bringing people from all corners of the political spectrum together for the... Read the full report ›

Seasonal giving to stop sexual violence globally

By Dr. Jeni Ambrose | Founder, Director

Season's Greetings On this Giving Tuesday, we wants to thank you for your continued support of MapYourVoice. While many of us are lucky enough to be enjoying the winter holiday season with loved ones,... Read the full report ›
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