"Eternal gifts for 550 children in Costa Rica" Sponsor 630 Children in Need Through Education Sponsor 630 Children in Need Through Education Sponsor 630 Children in Need Through Education

Fundacion DEHVI

Org #29258
Vetted since 2015 Site Visit Verified
year founded
raised on GlobalGiving
years fundraising
projects funded
* Amounts in US Dollars


"Enhancing sustainable human development, with a focus on rights through equal opportunities having an impact on children, family and the community."

Project Leaders
Adriana Alfaro
Adriana Alfaro
Organization Information
8th Avenue
Between 21 and 27Ath street, next to Conarroz
San Jose, San Jose PO Box 3353-1000
Costa Rica
(506) 4080 2924
Organization Information
8th Avenue
Between 21 and 27Ath street, next to Conarroz
San Jose, San Jose PO Box 3353-1000
Costa Rica
(506) 4080 2924

Project Reports

Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:

Campaign: Timeless Gifts for 550 Costa Rican Child

By Peggy Arias | Project Leader

We brought joy to the boys and girls at last year’s Christmas party, all thanks to the thoughtful generosity of our donors, collaborators, and volunteers. With their support, we provided sweet... Read the full report ›

The magic of learning projects

By Adriana Alfaro | Project Leader

The magic of learning projects: moments of creativity and innovationThese projects involve in-depth investigations based on the children's interests, employing mediums such as hypotheses, creative... Read the full report ›

We work to promote the right to participation

By Belkis Ramirez | Project Leader

We work to promote the right to participation of fathers, mothers or legal guardians of children, in the comprehensive training process of students.  As a Foundation, our project-based learning... Read the full report ›
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