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Adopt A Wildlife Acre
National Wildlife Federation's Adopt-a-Wildlife-Acre program solves dangerous conflicts between wildlife and livestock across the western United States. With your help, we work to protect critical habitat for wild bighorn sheep, bison, grizzly bears, wolves, beavers and other threatened and endangered wildlife. To date, we have permanently protected over 1.7 million acres of land and have a goal of protecting 2 million additional acres of critical habitat over the next three years.
Save Sick, Injured and Abused Homeless Pets!
Animals often come into shelters suffering from severe illness or injury as a result of abuse or neglect. Thanks to the Petfinder Foundation's Emergency Medical Fund, these pets can get lifesaving care, stop suffering and find forever homes rather than being euthanized.
Killer Whales and Their Prey in Iceland
Scientists have very little information about the population or feeding patterns of killer whales in Iceland. As top predators, they can change the populations of prey species, which in turn affects the rest of the food chain. Conversely, dependence on a particular prey species, whose populations may fluctuate over time, can impact the killer whales' survival. By collecting observational data and skin/blubber samples, scientists will be able to better understand and protect these killer whales.
Can You Make A Horse Smile? You Bet! Here's How...
A horse with a home and a purpose is a happy horse! However, America's horses are also confronted with a disturbing reality. Tens of thousands are abused, neglected and at-risk of slaughter each year -- and in need of rescue, rehabilitation, and re-homing. The EQUUS Foundation is the only national animal welfare charity in the United States 100% dedicated to protecting America's horses from peril and strengthening the bond between horses and people.
Protecting Tigers
In the last 100 years, tigers have lost 96% of their historical range with wild populations estimated to be as few as 3,500. By funding ground-based tiger conservation initiatives across Asia, David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation (DSWF) is fighting from grass roots to the world-stage to protect this iconic species and give it the best possible chance of survival in the wild.
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