Provide HIV services to 13,000 Vulnerable Ugandans Stop the Spread of HIV from Mothers to Babies Stop the Cycle of HIV: Support Women and Children! Stop the Cycle of HIV: Support Women and Children!

Alive Medical Services

Org #29233
Vetted since 2015 Top Ranked Effective Nonprofit Site Visit Verified
year founded
raised on GlobalGiving
years fundraising
projects funded
* Amounts in US Dollars


Alive Medical Services (AMS) exists to provide and model comprehensive prevention, care, treatment, and support of HIV and other health needs for its clientelle using a holistic approach incorporating education, training, and research to empower them to live a quality life.

Project Leaders
Pasquine Ogunsanya
Pasquine Ogunsanya
Adebiyi Ogunsanya
Adebiyi Ogunsanya
Pasquine N Ogunsanya, Adebiyi A Ogunsanya, Elizabeth Kihika, Apphia Twongyeirwe, Peter P Chelimo, Christine Adongo, Onecious Natwijuka
Organization Information
Plot 5, U.N. Rise First Close, Kisugu - Namuwongo
P.O. Box 37374
+256 414 258 580
Organization Information
Plot 5, U.N. Rise First Close, Kisugu - Namuwongo
P.O. Box 37374
+256 414 258 580

Project Reports

Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:

Alive Medical Service Support in HIV disclosure

By Dr Pasquine Ogunsanya | Project Leader

In the streets of Namuwongo, *Cissy* and *Rogers* found love in each other's arms. They share dreams, aspirations, and a deep bond like any other couple. However their relationship faced an added... Read the full report ›

In the arms of Alive Medical Services; Mia is safe

By Dr Pasquine Ogunsanya | Project Leader

14-month-old *Mia* was born to loving parents, *Sarah* and *John*, who are both HIV positive. When Sarah found out she was pregnant, she was overwhelmed with joy but also filled with worry. She knew... Read the full report ›

"Hope Renewed" after Denial of an HIV diagnosis

By Dr Pasquine Ogunsanya | Project Leader

After testing positive for HIV in 2008, 45-year-old *Phoebe* lived in denial for years until joining Alive Medical Services in 2015. She was in the lowest of her moments and her family believed she... Read the full report ›
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