Gift cards are about to get personal. 
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The holidays have a wonderful way of bringing friends and family together. And now, so do GlobalGiving gift cards.

This year you can give a gift that makes a difference -- the gift of giving -- complete with a personalized video message. Watch this short video for some inspiration: 
Record a GlobalGiving Video Gift Card

Here’s how it works: you purchase a gift card, and if you want, you can record a personal video message for the recipient. Then, when your friend/sister/colleague/nephew goes online to redeem the gift card, he or she will see the video and choose which project on gets the donation.

Just click here to get started: 
give a GlobalGiving gift card
Wishing you a warm start to the holiday season, 
Paige Creigh and the GlobalGiving Team

p.s. Don't know what to say in your video? Kid President has several suggestions of things we should all say more often. Any one of them would make a great video message to accompany your gift!

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