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With so many little earth-changing ideas out there, how do you decide which ones to support? How will you begin to choose between: With GlobalGiving’s Project of the Month Club, you don’t have to choose! Each month, we identify an innovative project on our site. Then we pool a number of Club-member donations to make a large grant to that high-impact project!  Members get monthly updates about the work their donations support. Read about the impact the Project of the Month Club has made so far.

Make it a gift and it'll last all year

If you’ve spent all week thinking, “Dad/Molly/Jacob/Linda/Grandma has everything under the sun!” then we’d like to recommend a world-changing gift that gives twelve times each year: a gift subscription to the Project of the Month Club!
When you make a monthly, recurring Club donation to in honor of someone, we'll send them an email telling him or her about your generous gift. (And we’ll give you a $25 gift card for signing up, just to say thanks!)  We’ll also keep both of you up-to-date on the impact your gift makes with a monthly email.

Not big on long-term commitment?


Perhaps you're just looking for a one-time gift, and you need to find it fast! For that special someone who you'll inevitably forget until the the last minute, (“You’re giving our boss a gift? Oh, I am too…”) your last-minute gifts don't need to come from the bottom of the barrel. 

With GlobalGiving e-gift cards, "one size helps all." Your recipient gets gets to choose his or her favorite project and pass along your donation! You can print gift cards at home, or choose an e-card and we'll email it right to them. We even have delayed sending options so it'll arrive when YOU want it to. 

Thank you for your ongoing generosity. 

Wishing you a happy and warm holiday season,
Emily Bell and the GlobalGiving Team
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