Nyaka School Children

It Takes Children to Raise a Village:
The Story of Nyaka School & Jackson Kaguri

Irene Komuhangi, a young woman with an infectious smile, dreamed of becoming a lawyer. But when she was orphaned at age 11, after losing both parents to HIV/AIDS, she thought her dream was lost.

Enter: Twesigye "Jackson" Kaguri. In 2003, he founded the Nyaka School, which provides free education and extra-curricular activities to HIV/AIDS orphans in Uganda.

Jackson grew up in Uganda, but came to the US when he earned a scholarship to Columbia University. Jackson's life was a success by any standard; he had a good job, was happily married, and was ready to buy a home. After visiting Uganda with his wife, the couple decided to invest their entire down payment into starting the Nyaka School.

Seven years later, Jackson's vision of a free HIV/AIDS school is a vibrant reality - in fact there are two schools! Nyaka and Kutamba AIDS Orphan schools enroll over 350 students and have graduated 47 students to secondary school.

Irene's dream of becoming a lawyer is no longer impossible. She graduated from Nyaka School in 2009 and attends Ishaka Secondary School on a full scholarship. "I love my school because it has helped me so much. It has given me free education. I thank Jackson Kaguri for the amazing vision he had to help orphans who were suffering while they are innocent."

The entire story of Jackson and the Nyaka School can be found in Jackson's new book, The Price of Stones.

Support the Nyaka School and Jackson's work. You'll receive a FREE copy of Jackson's book with a $100 donation to Nyaka.

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