Donate to Projects in Benin

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Found 6 projects sorted by
Mental Health | Benin  

Provide Psychiatric Medications in West Africa

This project will help finance essential medications for 14,000 residential patients with chronic mental illness and seizure disorders (epil… read more
$16,007 raised of $25,000 goal
Mental Health | Benin  

Drill a Well and Irrigate a new farm in Benin

Association Saint-Camille (ASC), a comprehensive mental health provider, will open the first residential addiction center in West Africa. Th… read more
$5,159 raised of $7,360 goal
Food Security | Benin  

Nurse me: let's defeat child malnutrition in Benin

This project wants to cope with the widespread issue of child malnutrition in the regions of Atacora, Alibori and Les Collines in Benin, thr… read more
$5,453 raised of $10,000 goal
Education | Benin  

Bibi&Bibo: a nursery for 50 children in Benin

Benin, a country with high inequalities and poverty, has difficulty providing educational opportunities for children, especially in rural ar… read more
$0 raised of $22,740 goal
Economic Growth | Benin  

Electricity for All - Village Minigrids in Benin

The difference between the moment before electricity to the moment after is amazing to experience - from the magnitude of what it means for … read more
$60 raised of $50,000 goal
Education | Benin  

Meet 726 Schoolkids Needs in Remote Areas of Benin

726 students in Couffo, Benin (Africa), face abandoning school due to lack of supplies, school uniforms, food, and essential documents for e… read more
$120 raised of $5,000 goal

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