Help girls in 10 schools on Liquid soap training. Build 30 little libraries for 30 villages in Ghana Build 30 little libraries for 30 villages in Ghana Build 30 little libraries for 30 villages in Ghana

Rural Literacy Solutions

Org #85779
Vetted since 2021 Top Ranked Effective Nonprofit
year founded
raised on GlobalGiving
years fundraising
projects funded
* Amounts in US Dollars


The mission of Rural Literacy Solutions is to aid rural development in Ghana through education by helping rural students to develop literacy skills in reading, writing and numeracy.

Project Leaders
Peter Kojo Amoabil
Peter Kojo Amoabil
Halima Efe Asamoah
Halima Efe Asamoah
Peter Kojo Amoabil, Halima Efe Asamoah
Organization Information
Gumani Tuunayili Road
Kanvilli Tuunayili,
Tamale, Northern Region 00233
Organization Information
Gumani Tuunayili Road
Kanvilli Tuunayili,
Tamale, Northern Region 00233

Project Reports

Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:

Project Update May 2024

By Peter Kojo Amoabil | Project Leader

Introduction Our non-profit organization is dedicated to enhancing literacy and digital skills among children in underserved communities. We are thrilled to share the remarkable progress and... Read the full report ›

Project Update

By Peter Kojo Amoabil | Executive Director

Following Kanvilli Nuriya Primary School's pilot. Since the project's implementation, we can report that pupils at Kanvilli Nuriya Primary School have developed a better habit of washing their hands... Read the full report ›

Project Update

By Peter Kojo Amoabil | Executive Director

New Year Update  As we look ahead to 2024, we are excited and optimistic about the future of our work and impact. We have ambitious plans and goals for the new year, which include: Expanding our... Read the full report ›
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